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Kana Little Sister
Games > PC
767.49 MB

+3 / -0 (+3)

Oct 28, 2004

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Request från nicke86


mer såna här spel : )
Någon som fått det att fungera?
mountat i daemon & efter installation ger det här bara "programmet har utfört en förbjuden åtgärd & måste avslutas"

kör winxp pro med integrerat sp2 - senaste drivers till allt
Jag har samma fel, konsigt. Kan beror på att jag flyttade om domma filerna för inte så länge sen och dom har då blivigt korrupta. Det konstiga är att den börjar läsa från CD-ROM:en, eller den kollar iaf igenom, kanske behövs ett crack, ska kolla upp saken senare ikväll
Zakimo lost in space?
How do i get the music to work?
what program should i use to open the downloaded files with.
seriously, we need some seeders! come on people!
Dammit!!!!!! I cryed like a little girl after and in this game... if u know anyone that is happy and perky all the time and u whant to throw them into a deep deep black hole of emotionell pain, then this is the game for u. And o yes there is one happy ending out of 6, i just wish i got that one first so that i dident had to go through all that pain, i give this game 1010 stars.

PS, the only time i have cryed becouse of a gamemovie was to bambi when i was 7 years old and maybe a little to braveheart;).

umm jag har suttit på 99,6 % i ett par dagar nu som om någon som har hela filen skulle känna för att seda bara ett litet tag iaf skulle jag bli väldans glad =D
Ohman, it made me feel like a little schoolgirl just bitten by a bog dog. It's just so sad.
Does anyone know where i can get the patch? The link posted no longer works and the patch from the g-collections website requires a password to use.
(I'm posting my message in several parts)
I must confess... This is the only thing that made me cry since I was little. Seriously. When I first played it (got ending 5, BTW. The best ending so far; only ending 3 and 6 left) I cried like I've never been crying before. I didn't even cry so hard when some my real relatived died. This game really makes you feel powerless and digs up emotions you didn't even think you had.
If you play it and get ending 2 or 4, play it again, goddamnit! Ending 2 ("Normal ending") is as sad as a movie about drying paint compared to ending 5. Go get ending 5 and cry your eyes out!
(I'm posting my message in several parts)
I don't know why, but my previous comment disappeared. Well, I really want to say this again.
This game is awesome! Really! If you're looking for hentai, look away; you won't find anything you lika anyway! This game isn't about sex and porn, It's about love, quality of life and strong commitment.
Sorry for posting four comments in a row, but TPB doesn't allow comments to be longer than this. It just gives me database-errors all the time. :-(

Start by this post and read downwards. I had to post the parts in reversed order, because of the sorting here. (Newer comments on top)
I did everything right, but some f*cking problem (I really cant understand what), didnt let me to open the game! I told microsoft about this problem, but is seems to be useless... What to do now? I really want to play this game!
Download the patch here
Wow is so sad i started to cry
Having problems with the sound.. anybody knows how to fix it?
plsplspls! i rily nid a patch 2 open it...
can any1 supply 1 website which has it and which is not an outdated site?
This has to be the sadest game I have ever played. made me want to cry
Whenever I try to run it, all i get is a black screen...
any suggestions?
I have no music! There was music in the intro, and the sound effects works but theres NO music!! Does anyone know what to do??

Problem 1:Installed it but can't make it work. Started it but only the company logo appears,than it shuts down.
Download an uncensor patch from here:
Install it and start the game.It should work.

Problem 2:No sound in the game.
Solution:Happens to pretty much any hentai game.If you use an emulator (Alcohol or Daemon tools) unmount the image and mount it again.Go to "My computer" and click on the drive with the game.Reapeat the process until it will show you the game menu (not let you inside the drive).The sound should come back.
I have the same problem as Pendus.
IS there supposed to be a BGM if so does anyone know how to get it to work?
I've solved the background music problem,disable ALL your REAL cd/dvd drives using device manager(right click on my computer/properties/hardware/device manager) and leave only your virtual drives on.(i suggest you use daemon tool's virtual drives).Mount the game on and start playing! :D

The explanation to this is that the game plays the music directly from the game cd and if its not in your real drive,it can't detect the music,so...we disable the real drives and fool the game into thinking the virtual drives is our real drives.Get it?No?Then just blindly follow the instructions above.
I have it installed and everything, but the only problem is that somehow my screen can't handle it. It always says 'out of range'. I tried bringing my resolution quality down to 800x600 and 16 bit (lowest i can go it seems). Once i (more or less by accident) got in the game, but now it doesnt work again. I'll go on messing about, but does anyone here have any ideas how i can easily solve this problem?

Thanks in advance!
Just for the people who had the same problem as me:
Go to properties of the program (here the kanaus.exe file) and at compatibility select 'open this program in combatibility modus windows 95'. that did the trick for me.

I kinda feel stupid that i didnt think of that before :p
How do you install the patch? I downloaded it and when I double click it says I need a CD?
Kinda confused here: I have windows XP and when i run this it gives out an error and closes right after DO message. I've changed all properties down to minimum and checked off all possible compatibilities, and nothing. P.S. I also have the patch already copied over original, any suggestions?
Nevermind, as I can see most of you guys wrote this stuff over half a year ago. But im not giving up yet ;)
Got it to work, and yes you need alcohol 120 or daemon tools to mount. @ japkap
sadest game ever....i actually broke down crying in school after i played this... i'm sooo depressed... it will change when i get to the happy ending i hope =)
hey Elixir, I have the same problem as you...Windows XP shows unexpected error message after the DO
Before playing it, I was wondering if all those tearfully comments were only junk... but now I understand and I'm still crying (like many I didn't caught the "good end" at first...)

I don't know if there is anyone in the world who cannot get at least sad after playing this game once...

And I confirm, for all those who think it is a H-Game like others, it's DEFINITLY NOT ! But go on and play it anyway !
If someone that read all the comments and is thinking if the game really works, I use Windows XP, and after downlowding the patch and disabling all real drives (I mounted it with daemon) it works perfectly, even the sound... the only problem is a message saying that the sound can't be found... but the sound works anyway... stupid Pc...
have unpacked game and when i try to load it it keeps saying "insert no title cd" i dont have a cd anyone got any advice please thanks all
okay, this is for all those who get the error message after the whole D.O. logo. i present to you an exact way to get the game working:

1. Mount the images on Daemon Tools (try Daemon tools lite. It's free. Or, just pirate a version of Alcohol 120%.)

2. Once the autorun pops up, install the whole package, direct x and all.

3. Okay, the game is now installed in the directory you chose. Now, your problem occurs when you try to run the game, right? The reason for the error message is because of a little security measure in the .exe. file. The game is hunting for a physical CD. BUT YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!!! This little measure was put in because people kept pirating these types of games (noooo, really?) So how do you solve this little conundrum? Read on:

4. The package you downloaded came with .exe files in directories with names like "noCD" and "uncensor" or something like that, right? Copy the uncensor file and paste it over the .exe file in the directory where you installed the game. When the computer asks if you want to overwrite, say yes. The uncensor file has been wiped clean of the CD check, so it should work now. If not, hunt on google for an "uncensor patch." DL it and copy it over the .exe file in the directory again, and overwrite.

The greatest reward is when the opening song starts playing. It's a sort of orgasmic "YES I DID IT FUCK YOU YOU STUPID COMPUTER I BEAT YOU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!" reaction.
also, if you're having problems with background music, just blindly follow Llama007's advice. works like a charm. take note, though, that you'll have to re-enable the physical disk drive in order to run actual CDs, but that's a minor inconvenience, considering you get to listen to the awesome in-game tunes.

PS: to Triadwarfare, Kana isn't his stepsister. She is his adoptive sister, who originally belonged to a family friend. She isn't related to him by blood, or anything like that. not to be nit-picky or anything, it justs seems kinda creepy to do... what he does... to one's stepsister.
oh, and one more thing (sorry): Try Densetsu ( for a patch if the others fail. It'll be the one named along the lines of "Kana Uncensored noCD?" But the single small file is both an uncensor patch and a noCD patch , all in one! Nifty, eh?
This game is really sad...though i saw you talking about a "happy ending",so you gave me hope...i'l keep playin' until i find it...

PS:this game is A+++ quality
Wow...i'm really freaked...i mean...ending 3 is a lot like what happened to me about 5 years ago(i was sis' 17)...only difference is that she died after a heart transplant...5 days ok,then...she was no more...i was a nervous wreck for 2 months...then my girlfriend(now my wife)knocked some sense into me(literally:)))...and i'm quite thankful for it
I have Windows Vista and it says Fail To Copy File whenever i hit Execute, Please Assist
Thanks for the up, and thanks also for all the help, guys. I got the game to work by downloading the fixed exe from gamecopyworld, and then ran it in windows 95 compatibility.

And now... damn, the foreshadowing (including the music) is so thick... I hope this isn't another Saikano. :D
Just finished the game / story. Now I want to die. Last time I felt this sad was after watching Saikano.
Heh. This was sadder than Saikano. Even the happy ending in Kana is miserable.

I realized a while ago that getting this game to work requires only elementary pirating skill. I'm guessing that a lot of you guys, like me, chose this game to be your first torrent. I know a lot about torrents because of this game :)
I've kept this game on my HDD for a while now, but I only decided to play it yesterday. I followed all the instructions as to fix the crash after the D.O logo (Which I managed to fix) and also the instructios regarding the BGM, but that second problem I was unable to fix normally. I tried evertyhing (Really, I mean everything) but nothing seemed to work. How I managed to fix it? All I did was change my Daemon Tools 4 for a older version and that just did it.

If there's anybody out there with Daemon Tools 4 who can't play the game, try a older version of the software. It worked for me!
I bought the game and did a Proper release which does not require a no cd and will play with BGM. You can download the Proper release here:
@ Llama007

"I've solved the background music problem,disable ALL your REAL cd/dvd drives using device manager(right click on my computer/properties/hardware/device manager) and leave only your virtual drives on.(i suggest you use daemon tool's virtual drives).Mount the game on and start playing! :D

The explanation to this is that the game plays the music directly from the game cd and if its not in your real drive,it can't detect the music,so...we disable the real drives and fool the game into thinking the virtual drives is our real drives.Get it?No?Then just blindly follow the instructions above. "

Dude, U are a fucking genious.
To the Vista users like myself that get the "fail to copy" error when they click "execute": Place the .img file into Daemon tools, click mount, now, instead of choosing the auto-run, opt to open the folder to view files.

Make a folder in your preferred game destination. Now copy all of the files from the folder of the mounted img and paste them into the folder you've just made. Download the game patch on one of the previous comment pages and have it replace the file that it's named after.

Opening the .exe should work now :)

I haven't played yet (only opened to check the subs), so I can't make a statement on the background music, but if you don't hear any, there's already a fixed listed in the comments.

Good luck, and enjoy the game! I lost my copy somewhere in my crammed room, and it's so nice to be able to play such a nice game again.
I forgot to mention that you should also click 'run as administrator' when you select the KANAUST.exe to install, AND run it as administrator when you want to play.